[Beer Comments] Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams - Boston Lager

ABV 4.8%
Nations Massachusetts, United States
Personal Estimation
"Excellent , Verygood , good , not bad , bad , terrible"
Advocate point: 75 (price is reasonable)

"As daily beer not bad. Everyday Loved beer"

Brand: Boston beer company(Samuel adams)

Name:Samuel adams - Boston lager

Aroma: wheat, grains

Bitterness: 6/10

Sweetness: 2/10

Sourness: 0/10

Typical Lager style beer. Golden and dark colored, carbonation is little rough reserved fine. I felt long time to create this beer. Tremendous effort make this representative. 
First, liquid washed my tongue, grains with little bit of bitterness subtly strike, in middle get back herbal flavors ,like pine, lingering to dry finish.  Classic music like this.basic royal thing.
Rate beer's point 53
A little people said its boring, not too exciting.
But mostly balanced
Beer advocate point 86.(very good)

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